
Info fair April 5 and 6

To request a number:
- Click here
- If the above is not possible sent an email to kkbveldhoven@upcmail.nl mentioning your name, initials and phone number.
The children’s clothing fair is the same as an agency. You can bring in the clothing that you want to sell or can shop at the sale.

When you want to buy clothing you can come by the day of the fair; Saturday between 11:00 and 12:30pm. You can handpick the pieces you like and take them home after check out (including 10% for charity). Please pay in the exact amount, we don’t have spare change for banknotes of 50 euro.

When you want to sell clothing you need to request a number (see 'Click here' in left column) via email mentioning your name, initials and phone number. (if the link is not working you can sent an email to kkbveldhoven@upcmail.nl).

There are 150 numbers available so make sure you are on time. You can only request one number per person. The deadline is the last Thursday before the fair. The number must be written with a red pen on a piece of painters tape. On the same piece of tape you must write down the size and your initials in a blue or black pen. For example: (21 €2.50 146 AA). The painter’s tape should be taped on the outside of the piece.

The following requirements are applicable on the pieces handed over:
  • A maximum of 30 pieces per number
  • No baby clothing, clothing from size 80 and above
  • The pieces must be clean and not damaged, otherwise we will not sell these
  • No underwear of socks
  • Two-pieces must be attached by carefully using a safety pin. Both pieces need to have a piece of painter’s tape attached containing your number and data
You are importunately requested to make a list of all pieces you are handing over. Please also save a copy of this list yourself.
Handing over the clothing can be done the Friday before the fair from 7:00pm till 8:00pm. You will also receive a ticket then.

When the fair is over you can come by on Saturday between 3:30pm and 4:00pm to pick up your earned money (minus 10% for charity) and the clothing which was not sold. It is important that you show us your ticket when picking up the clothing.
Clothing which is not picked up (on time) will be donated to the clothing bank.
Money which is not picked up (on time) will be donated to charity.

The clothing fair is only accessible in the indicated hours and only for the activities as mentioned in the different time frames.

The children’s clothing fair Veldhoven donates to charity every year. Money is being raised by raising the sales price of the clothing with 10% and by lowering the pay out with 10%.

Even though we are very careful with your handed over pieces, it is possible that pieces will become lost or will be damaged in the fair. We will not accept liability when any of these unfortunate events occur.